HMS Cassandra

Pendant Number: D10
Original Number: R62

Callsign: GGZG

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Furiosior undis

(More mad than the waves)

Commissioning Book


HMS CASSANDRA (1,710 tons) was a 'CA' class destroyer built by Yarrow and was completed on the 29th November 1943. Originally named Tourmaline and renamed in November 1942. (Ship adopted by Surbiton). She was my first ship and I served on her from 13th April 1964 to 5th September 1964 in the Mediterranean.

Based at Malta, though Gibraltar came a close second home port.

Ports visited were from the following countries: Gibraltar, Spain, Morocco, France, Monaco and Malta. They were all eagerly visited and very much enjoyed.

I had to leave the ship prematurely as she was required to sail for the Far East to patrol around the Borneo coast, where the communists and pirates were causing problems. As I was still a Junior I was quickly drafted off to my next ship in Malta.

The journalist Cassandra of the Daily Mirror had strong ties with HMS Cassandra.

The Cassandra Association invites all past members of HMS Cassandra to join. All commissions, all ranks/rates are welcome.

Arrived 28th April 1967 for breaking up by Ward, Inverkeithing.

HMS Cassandra

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