RNAS Culdrose
HMS Seahawk late 1959 or early 1960


We were involved in a NATO exorcise, my squadron Starboard 1 & 2 were closed up at the squadron hangar, Port 1 & 2 were 'On loan' to the Ship's Flight.

I was Port 1 and in the duty crewroom. We had just finished 'turning round' (refuelled, checked air pressure, hydraulic fluid levels, did the pre-flight checks etc.) six Hawker Hunters from the German Air Force, which had landed about 45 minutes ago.

The pilots were in the wardroom having lunch, so we were waiting their return so that we could get 'em airborne again without delay.

The line chief came bursting into the crewroom and, panting, gasping for air, asked in a desperate tone "Does anyone here Sprichen sie Deutsch ?". One lad, a national serviceman, who'd been to university and was therefore a cut above the rest of us, jumped up and said "Ja, ich spreche fließend Deutsch". The line chief, now fully recovered said "Thank gawd for that... we need someone to clean out the schitzen housen".

Never volunteer !