Don't mess with Dolly

1960,  A small group of us, airy-fairies off watch from HMS Ark Royal in Singapore, went to the NAAFI club dance for a run ashore.

The killick of our mess, LAM(AE) Grey, AKA Dolly (of course) spotting a very attractive young lady, went and politely asked if she would like to dance.

In a very loud voice she replied "Go to bed with you !  NO Thank you !". 

I'd never seen Dolly blush before, he came back to his Tiger-top and sat down, definitely very disgruntled.

A few minutes later the young lady came over to our table and very quietly said to Dolly, "I'm sorry about that, but I'm studying psychology and wanted to see your reaction".

Dolly, at the top of his best parade ground voice replied...

"Fifty Quid !!".