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It is said that laughter is the worlds best medicine, and who are we to argue? In this case I have taken a light-hearted look at one of the names that is given to the disease that sufferers are enduring - M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis). I have attempted to analyse and find the hidden meanings that may be lurking around ;-)

Given that there are so many appropriate anagrams from myalgic encephalomyelitis, perhaps this name is meant to be? The left hand column contains anagrams of the word MYALGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS; the right hand column contains amusing (hopefully) interpretations which many M.E. sufferers will understand only too well. Enjoy......

If we can't laugh at ourselves every now and again, then who can? If you can find more appropriate meanings to the left hand column, then please let David know by clicking on the TV.


Anagram of:
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis


Chemically I employ teasing
Using aspirin to ease the pain
Choicely all-time Gipsy name
M.E. - A Gipsy curse?
Choicely mealtime playings
Music while you eat
Completely, I am in his legacy
Consultants viewpoint
Employing icy all-time aches
What your nose and feet do to you
Employs eye-catching 'I am ill'
Physically unable to move
Enigmatically echoes imply
Latest report on known cure
Especially almighty income
What we all need to buy peace from officialdom
Hey! compiles enigmatically
Some doctors are known to sit on the fence
I am a choicely smelling type
Highly sensitive sense of smell
I am a choicely smelling type
I prefer non-smokers
I am calmly seeing the policy
Discovers the `small print' disallowing your claim
I am chemically toying sleep
Pass the pills
I am employing a style cliché
What the media does to make headlines
I am on a mightily sleep cycle
What day is it?
I am physically election gem
A spanner in your MP's career
I glimpse enemy chaotically
Can't put my finger on it, said the researcher
I'll employ eye-catching aims
Frown when you don't understand
I'm easily aching, completely
Never do things by halves
I'm employing case ethically
Keeping an open mind
I'm employing the alias cycle
Any name other than CFS
I'm especially a mighty clone
Shadow of your former self
I'm mentally geophysical ice
Thoughts of how cold your feet feel
I'm on typically agile scheme
Collecting benefit from the post office
I'm physically election game
Mention M.E. to your MP and watch them cringe!
I'm seemingly optically ache
Pain in your GP's eye
Incompletely, I am his legacy
When your GP hands you over to the consultant
Is employing chemically tea
When nothing helps, employ alternative medicine
It is chemically openly game
Keep taking the tablets
Mealtime, I psychically gone
Out to Lunch
Nicely all-time psycho image
What some would have us believe!
Once, I'm especially almighty
In your dreams
Technically I employ images
Unable to speak Use signs to convey thoughts

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